Science is my religion, and I have faith in reason.
In my own terms: Involution and Envolution is my religion, and I have faith in entailment.
Only the self-educated and educated person is free.
David Mark Keirsey's Home Page
My father was the author of
Understand Me, Please
Understand Me II , and the Keirsey
Temperament Sorter II
The Marketing of Madness: What you don't know can hurt you and the society surrounding you. [more about it ]
David's Blog of Complexity Science
Professor Keirsey's Blog on Graces and Foibles
Keirsey Temperament Facebook Page
The Keirsey Institute of Higher and Lower Learning
Author's corner: A List of Authors by Temperament to get a better feel of each different drum .
My gift of the month
Recommended Audio
Tapes or Books on Famous Personalities
the Great [Mastermind Rational (INT J)] by Robert K. Massie
In Retrospect, by Robert McNamara [Mastermind Rational (INT J)]
Stephen Hawking 's Universe [Mastermind Rational (INT J)] by
John Boslough
Eisenhower , The President, [Mastermind Rational (INT J)],
by Stephen Ambrose
Personal Odyssey by Thomas Sowell [Mastermind Rational (INT J)]
Lise Meitner [Mastermind Rational (INT J)], A Life of Physics, by
Ruth Lewin Sime
Alan Greenspan's Fed and the American Economic Boom , [Mastermind Rational ] by Bob Woodward
Napoleon [FieldMarshal Rational (ENT J)] by Felix Markham
Strait from the Gut : by Jack Welch [FieldMarshal Rational (ENT J)]
Downing Street Years by Margaret Thatcher [FieldMarshal Rational (ENT J)]
Personal History by Katherine Graham [FieldMarshal Rational (ENT J)]
Life and Science of Richard Feynman [Inventor
Rational (ENT P)] by James Gleick
your are Joking Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman
Einstein [Architect Rational (INT P)] Lived Here by Abraham
on Soros [Architect Rational (INT P)] by George Soros
Just for Fun by Linus Torvalds [Architect Rational (INT P)]
Gregory Peck, by Gary Fishgall [Architect Rational INT P)]
Private Life of Chairman Mao [Teacher Idealist (ENF J)]
by Dr. Li, Zhisui
Memoirs: Mikhail Gorbachev [Teacher Idealist (ENF J)]
My Life So Far: Jane Fonda [Teacher Idealist ]
Blackberry Winter by Margaret Mead [Teacher Idealist (ENF J)]
as I am , by Bill Graham [Teacher Idealist (ENF J)]
Spoiler, Crusader, Icon , [Teacher Idealist (ENF J)] by Justin
Scorsese on Scorsese, [Teacher Idealist ] Editors Ian Christie and David Thompson.
Measure of a Man, by Sidney Poitier [Counselor Idealist (INF J)]
Autobiography : The Story of My Experiments With Truth by Mohandhas
Gandhi [Counselor
Idealist (INF J)]
Gustav Jung [Counselor Idealist (INF J)] by Frank McLynn
for Hope : A Spiritual Journey by Jane Goodall [Counselor Idealist (INF J)]
Baker Eddy [Counselor Idealist (INF J)] by Gillian Gill
Fire in the Mind: the life of Joseph Campbell [Champion Idealist ]
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Alexander Hamilton [Champion Idealist (ENF P)] by Noemic Emery
Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother, [Champion Idealist (ENF P)], by Janny Scott
Out of My Life and Thought : An Autobiography by Albert Schweitzer [Healer
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Guardian (IS TJ) ] by David McCullough
Life of John D. Rockefeller , Sr. [Inspector Guardian (IS TJ) ]
by Ron Chernow
Buffet: A Making of an American Capitalist,[Inspector Guardian ] by Roger Lowenstein
The Last Tsar (Nicholas II) [Protector Guardian (IS FJ) ] by
Edvard Radzinsky
Mother Teresa [Protector Guardian (IS FJ) ]: Official
Biography by Kathryn Spink
Stalin [Supervisor
Guardian (ES TJ) ] by Edvard Radzinsky
Iron Rose: Biography of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy [Supervisor Guardian (ES TJ) ]
by Cindy Adams
Pride Still Mattered (Life of Vince Lombardi ) [Supervisor Guardian (ES TJ) ] by David Maraniss
I Remember by Dan Rather [Supervisor Guardian (ES TJ) ]
Underboss: The Life of Sammy, The Bull, Gravano [Supervisor Guardian (ES TJ) ]
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Ayckbourn : Grinning at the Edge [Composer Artisan (IS FP) ]
by Paul Allen
Steven Spielberg [Composer Artisan (IS FP) ] by Joseph
Streisand : Her Life [Composer Artisan (IS FP) ] by James
A Woman named Jackie (Jacquline Kennedy Onassis) [Composer Artisan (IS FP )]
by C. David Heymann
Ford: The Men and Their Machines: Robert Lacey [Henry
Ford, Promoter Artisan (ES TP) ]
Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt [Promoter Artisan (ES TP) ]
Life of the Party (Pamela Digby Churchill Harriman)[Promoter Artisan (ES TP) ]
by Christopher Ogden
A Good Life: by Ben Bradlee [Promoter Artisan (ES TP) ]
Memoirs by Pierre Salinger [Promoter Artisan (ES TP) ]
Somebody to Love, by Grace Slick [Promoter Artisan (ES TP) ]
Its Not About The Bike, by Lance Armstrong [Crafter Artisan (IS TP) ]
Playing for Keeps: Michael Jordan [Crafter Artisan (IS TP) ]
and the world he made, by David Halberstam
Me by Katherine Hepburn [Crafter Artisan (IS TP) ]
Here we go again, by Betty White [Performer Artisan (ES FP) ]
Leaving Home, by Art Buchwald [Performer Artisan (ES FP) ]
Liz! [Performer Artisan (ES FP) ] by C. David Heymann
Picasso [Performer Artisan (ES FP) ]: Creator and Destroyer
by Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington
Leonard Bernstein[Performer Artisan (ES FP) ]: A Life by Meryle
Knee Deep in Paradise, by Brett Butler [Performer Artisan (ES FP) ]
Oscar Wilde: A Certain Genius [Peformer Artisan (ES FP )] by
Barbara Belford
and Autobiographies
Recommended Books to Read on How the World Works
The emerging science at the edge of chaos, M. Waldrop : [An entertaining
introduction to the Science of Complexity]
Itself, Robert Rosen : [A revolution in scientific thinking, but don't
hold your breath, hardly anybody knows about it] more
*** Anticipatory
Systems , Robert Rosen, 1985: [Deconstruction
of the Newtonian paradigm ]
** The
End of Certainty : Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature, Ilya Prigogine,
Isabelle Stengers [Dissatified with Quantum Mechanics? here's why.
Explains Poincare's resonances] more
Meme Machine , Susan Blackmore : [Levels of selection: Memes and
Home in the Universe, Stuart Kauffman : [Musings from a pioneer in the
Science of Complexity]
Life of the Cosmos, Lee Smolin : [About the Evolving Universe] more
Deep Hot Biosphere, Thomas Gold : [No, not everything taught in school
is correct.]
Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan :
[Another view of Earth from the bacteria's point of view] more
Body, Tyler Volk , 1998. : [Details about Lovelock and Margulis's Gaia
Life on Land, M. McMenamin and D. McMenamin : [Open your eyes to what
is not seen: Some beginning history of Multi-cellular Eucaryotes] more
** The Evolution of Individuality, Leo Buss : [Darwin roll over, levels
of selection: transition between procaryotes to multi-cellular eucaryotes]
Symbolic Species : The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain, Terence
W. Deacon : [So you think you remember everything, think again, its
in the environment]
&Fractals, Peitgen, Jurgens, and Saupe : [Learn the conventional
mathematics of chaos and order]
MetaMan, Gregory Stock: [Individual humans are not the most complex things
in this world]
Kingdoms: Lynn Margulis and K. Schwartz : [Learn the complexity of Life]
Lessons of History, Will and Ariel Durant : [Those who fail to learn
and Decisions , Thomas Sowell [Why all the ignorance? Because it there's
lots of it] more
** The
Major Transitions in Evolution , John Maynard Smith &Eors Szathmary
: [Learn about some of the processes of life]
Please Understand Me II, David
Keirsey (of course)[Learn about the diversity of humans, that is not
part of environment, ethnicity, or gender]
Borderlands of Science, Michael Shermer [An important survey of science
and non-science] more
The Nuture Assumption, Judith
Rich Harris : [Children are smarter than you think]
They Kill: Discoveries of a Maverick Criminologist, Richard Rhodes:
[What statistics doesn't tell you]
2 Minds: The Growing Disorder in American Psychiatry, T. M. Luhrmann .
[Pills or Freud's method doesn't work very well, in fact often add to the
Illusion: Cutting Consciousness down to size, Tor Norretranders [Consciousness
isn't what you think it is]
and Cultures , Thomas Sowell [Those who fail to learn ...] more
Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond : [Those who fail to learn ....]
Origins of Virtue, Matthew Ridley : [Those who fail to learn ...] more
* Introductionary
**Difficult Reading
*** Extremely Difficult Reading [but worth it, if you get it]
by Author]
by Domain]
Author's corner
Quotes to Live by
I keep trying to abstract the world out , but it keeps coming back in .
DMK's corollary: theory
must be the opposite of speculation, despite the fact its hard to remember
to distinguish between a postulate and a conclusion.
If you don't understand something said, don't assume
that you are at fault. David W. Keirsey
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned
to repeat it. George Santayana
DMK's generalization:
Entities, which do not learn from history, will repeat it in form.
Those who fail to learn from history, will not add to it.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Nietzsche's corollary: What
does not kill me, makes me stronger.
The scientific world is beginning to discover
Robert Rosen , not so much because it wants to or because it likes what
he teaches, but because there may be no other way to proceed. Don
You can't effect the cards that you are dealt,
but you can determine how you play them. Milton Erickson
You don't chose your passion, your passion choses you -- Jeff Bezos
Passion breeds talent -- Stanislas
Passion requires temperament -- David M. Keirsey
Without extremes you have no middle. With no middle, you don't
have extremes. -- David M. Keirsey
"The future has arrived, it's just not evenly
distributed" -- William Gibson
"The past is here and
in the future,
it's just not evenly distributed" -- David M. Keirsey
Death starts when internal change happens slower
than external change - David M. Keirsey
"Our vision of Nature is undergoing a radical
change toward the multiple, the temporal, and the complex" -- Ilya Prigogine
"In far from equilibrium conditions, the concept
of probability that underlies Boltzmann's order principle is no longer
valid if the structures
we observe do not correspond to a maximum of complexions " -- Ilya
Only the educated are free -- Epictetus
Other nice quotes:
Give me a fruitful error any time, full of
seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth
for yourself. -- Vilfredo Pareto
"If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is." - Karl Schultheisz and Andrew Meehan
It is easier to explain machines from a living
universe than to explain life from a dead one. -- John J. Kineman
All is flux Heraclitus
All is atoms and void Democritus
You must posit at least one logical contradiction
to generate existence. David Mark Keirsey
The progress of science is the discovery at
each step of a new order which gives unity to what had seemed unlike. --
Jacob Bronowski
Change is inevitable. Therefore, change must change. Through induction
this will lead to change at ever increasing levels of complexity. -- Henk
Langeveld ;-)
The axiomatic method is very powerful -- Kurt Gödel ;-)
One of the main jobs of conciousness is to keep our life tied together
into a coherent story, a self-concept. It does this by generating explanations
of behaviors on the basis of our self image, images, memories of the past,
expectations of the future, the present social situation, and the physical
environment in which behavior is produced. -- Joseph Le Doux
Let Chaos storm, Let cloud shapes, swarm. I wait for form.
-- Robert Frost.
Where is the frontier? - Daniel Hillis
How shall I teach my children? - Cliff Stoll
What does technology want? - Kevin Kelly
What is the information content of Spin, Mass, and Charge? - David Keirsey
Why did Ludwig Boltzmann commit suicide? - David Keirsey
What is the precise
relation between dissipation and replication ? - David Keirsey
Keirsey's Laws
You can't beat first order statistics - David M Keirsey
Use it or lose it - David W. Keirsey [read about it ]
If you can conceive it, you cannot perceive it; if you can perceive
it, you can't conceive it.
Interesting Pointers to Cyberspace
TED Videos: Ideas Worth Spreading
John Baez Mathworld
Personal Information
PhD, Information and Computer Science, UC Irvine, 1983
MS, Computer Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1973
BS, Information and Computer Science, UC Irvine, 1972
to Publications
Last Updated July 17, 2013